Kosher is Better

Coshr™ Effective Confections™ for Wellness


Wellness through Science

Effective Confections

Follow the Science • Live your Best Life

Effective Confections™

Coshr™ Therapeutic Effective Confections™ are made with the finest certified Kosher ingredients and crafted with care to ensure the highest quality product. Our pesticide and additive free proprietary formulas infuse each bite with the perfect balance. Indulge your sweet tooth while enjoying the therapeutic benefits!

Functional Gummies

Coshr™ is making your ordinary extraordinary with infused cognitive performance gummies. Atthe heart of Coshr’s product line is our innovative range of functional gummies, Coshr • Effective Confections™, designed to enhance various aspects ofwell-being. Our proprietary formulations include:

Cognitive - Focus: Boost mental clarity and cognitive function

Recovery - Healing: Promote physical recovery andoverall wellness

Sleep: Improve sleep quality and regulate sleep patterns

Calm: Support stress reduction and emotional

Effective Confections™

Coshr™ premium functional gummy products for the discerning wellness consumer. By adhering to the highest kosher standards, Coshr ensures that our functional gummies and therapeutic cosmetics undergo rigorous quality control, delivering safe, pure, and reliable products that cater to health-conscious consumers and those with dietary restrictions.

Effective Confections™

For a better day...or night!

  • Delicious

    Try our kosher therapeutic gummies today and discover the delicious way to support your overall wellness!

  • Healthy

    Whether you're looking for a natural way to reduce stress, support healthy sleep patterns, or promote balance and calm, our gummies are here to help. With their mouthwatering flavors and convenient form, you'll love incorporating them into your daily routine.

  • Energizing

    Don't wait any longer – try our kosher therapeutic gummies today and experience the delicious benefits for yourself!

  • Kosher

    With our commitment to all-natural ingredients and kosher certification, you can trust that you're getting a high-quality product that you can feel good about taking.

  • Level up your day to day

    Science for better living